Dear Life,
Last year Kumaka's life looked like this:
That was the first one. There was TWO of those giant green casts. In one year. Not to mention a variety of other casts. First a bilateral hip surgery, then a femur break, then a ankle realignment and a femur repair, then a repair of one of the hip plates, then a tibia break. Kumaka couldn't catch a break last year. Well actually...that was about the only thing he could catch!!
Last year, right after his original hip surgery, a very special young man came to visit.
We couldn't believe it when Aaron rolled up in his tricked out truck. What an amazing day that was...Kumaka has been watching Aaron's videos for years.
A friendship was formed....and from that friendship another friendship started.
Christiaan is great friends with Aaron, and he contacted me on facebook. He's an amazing athlete and such an advocate for kiddos. Thanks to him...Kumaka has this awesome, rad WCMX chair handed down from Christiaan's godson Timmy. Kumaka loves this chair....and today he was able to rock it at the skatepark. It was so fun to watch him....and kind of miraculous to me. Last year we were watching Aaron rock it...and this year Kumaka's rocking it. The kids at the skate park all ran over and told him how cool his wheels were. Can you imagine that? Able bodied kids telling him how cool his chair is! They were amazed that he was going to use it at the park. One of the teenagers even came up to me and asked me if he could take a picture of him...because his sister has special needs and his mom would love to see Kumaka.
So incredible!