I haven't posted much about Kumaka and his life with Spina Bifida.
The reason?
Spina Bifida has not reared it's head in quite awhile.
He has been so healthy, so happy, and growing and learning and doing his thing.
He has been going to the skatepark regularly, surfing, and he even went skiing for the first time.

He is training for a ten mile "run" for his relay part of the Challenged Athletes Foundation triathalon in San Diego.

In short, he is being a kid.

He was so blessed last November to go to Costa Rica with his dad, his brother, as well as his BFF Hunter and his family and his other friend Joey and his family. Ocean's Healing Group is an amazing organization that takes a few families per trip to the Shaka Surf Camp in Costa Rica. The families surf every day, they ride quads, the zip line, and Kumaka had a blast. Ricochet the Surf Dog helped raise money for the flights.

We never imagined in a million years that we would go years without really worrying about Spina Bifida.
We never imagined such a life for him.
We are so grateful for every day we have, and every healthy day we have.
We are so grateful for the many friends we have made that also travel the Spina Bifida journey.

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