Dear Life,
Happy President's Day! All five boys home and B O R E D! Thought I would be a good mommy and get some donuts for them...sweets for my sweeties. I get there and it's almost ten....and they were almost OUT! The choices weren't great.....sooooooo I decided to buy them all. As the shop owner was boxing them up, this cute woman comes in and looks at the empty display case. "Sorry, she bought all of them!" The shop lady says. I sort of hung my head sheepishly and looked over at her and said "I'm so sorry, I have five boys....I just took what was left so they could mow it down". She said "that's okay...I was just looking for one donut for my grandson". I told her to look over my box and get one for him. She looked at me like "Are you for real lady?" I said again, boys are just going to mow through them...I didn't pick anything specific. Please pick one for your boy". She looked through the box.....and found the only sprinkle one. She told me he would love the sprinkle one. I said please...take it! She said thank you thank you thank you. And then slid a dollar to the shop owner towards our donuts. She said thank you again. I got myself a little treat...and smiled at the happy little Monday Moment!
Sprinkle free donuts
The dollar
So I got a treat!
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... and now i'm craving a donut :)