Dear Life, When I went to church for the first time with Sofi, I got my feelings hurt. People didn't know what to do with her, what class she should go to, what to think. I mean, she was so teeny tiny, she didn't look like a five year old, she was like a baby.
I went into fight mode. This was my baby we were talking about. I spoke with our bishop expressing my frustration. Then I took a minute and realized I needed to TEACH people what to do, not ASSUME they know what to do when they see children that are disabled. I live with disability day in and day out. Most people don't. I forgot that. I was not being fair to those in our church. For that, I am so sorry. I took my sweet girl into Relief Society, dressed in her prettiest dress with her hair as perfect as could be, and introduced her to the women.
I shared her story. And with tears in my eyes I asked them to please consider taking turns with her so that I could go to class. I needed spiritual edification more than ever. The sisters were amazing. They got lists together and every week people took turns taking her to primary. I have since communicated with the Primary President to talk about the best placement for Sofi. Talking together, sharing what works and what doesn't, and putting aside my very tender heart to be able to not get my feelings hurt but hear what people are actually saying really helped me resolve our issue. Since then, our church has put a great article about how to reach out to those with disabilities. I love this article so much and it's applicable to so many areas. It's called "Reaching Out to Those with Disabilities-And Their Families" in the February 2015 issue of the Ensign. Please take a few minutes to read it. Its opened my eyes and touched my heart. It can be applied outside of a church environment as well. Be a friend, take the time to listen, be understanding. Parents of children or caretakers of adults that have disabilities are often exhausted, and don't realize that they need to take the time to explain what their life is like. I am so thankful for Sofi. She is such a bright light in our family. And we are so thankful to everyone who has taken the time to spend an hour with her, to sing with her, to ask how she's doing.
This was the most beautiful thing I read today....Thanks for sharing! Sofi is the prettiest baby I've seen in a long time.... God Bless you and your beautiful family! Happy Easter!
This was the most beautiful thing I read today....Thanks for sharing! Sofi is the prettiest baby I've seen in a long time.... God Bless you and your beautiful family! Happy Easter!