I was reading A Little Piece of Me and she put up a little about her....so I'm going to follow suit...a few other bloggy moms have done it too. So here's to knowing a little more about me:
I'm Weird because:
I love makeup yet I rarely wear it (I don't want to waste it).
In my head I look like my 21 year old self...so I don't like the mirror!
I'm overly sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily...even as a grown woman.
In my head I'm a model even though those days are long gone.
I watch America's Next Top Model and try to "Smize" in the mirror. My kids think it's hilarious.
I get cranky if I dont' get a real breakfast...can't skip that meal.
I'm a Bad friend because:
I am horrible at staying in contact (doesn't mean I dont' love you the same!!!!)
I get wrapped up in my crazy life and forget to look outside of that to see what's going on with my friends.
My spare time goes all to my family....I don't share it too often with my friends even if I want to.
I think about my friends often but don't always take the time to let them know that.
I'm a Good friend because:
I would be there in a heartbeat if a friend needed me (and let me know if I wasn't paying attention lol)
I love my friends to death.
I will do everything in my power to help you to solve a problem.
I will listen to you cry and cry with you.
I will laugh with you too.
I've seen much....and can sympathize and empathize with lots.
I'm Sad because:
I don't have the relationship with my mother that I wish I had.
Life isn't easy.
My little Kumaka has a lot of challenges to face in his life...and I can't do anything but be there for him.
My Keoni is moving away in August to grow up and go to college.
We don't own a house.
Financially things suck.
I'm not thin anymore....and struggle with it every day.
I'm not as patient as I want to be.
I'm Excited for:
Me to finish writing the story about Kumaka and to see it published (hopefully).
A trip to Hawaii in the summer (can't believe I'm married to a Hawaiian and NEVER been in 18 years of being together)
Seeing Kumaka on Yo Gabba Gabba!!! :)
Hopefully going to see my friend in Florida and meet her new baby.
New glasses...I haven't had new ones in five years.
Finding a new me...
Thanks for finding out a little more about me.....would love to know more about you!
From...A Mom of Boys!
This is beautiful. YOU are beautiful. I love your new blog! XO