Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Sassy...or Fashion Faux Pas?

Dear Life,

Today was one of those days.  In my head I planned it all out...get up, get everyone ready for church....get myself ready for church....have a great spiritual feast...go home....decorate my Christmas tree....

FANTASYLAND called and they want their dreams back! one got up.  Me included.  9:30 I sit up......CRAP!  We have 9:00 church.  I lay back down and think for a minute.  Wait!!  I can salvage today!! I call my father in law to ask if he wants company at church today.  Of course he does!  I rush around waking everyone, getting people in showers and getting clothes together for Stuart to iron.  After I shower, I start blow drying my hair when I realize that my hair dryer is blowing only cold air.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  
Plan B:   Curly hair with a hair wrap from Little Penelope Lane it will have to be.

Rush and put on makeup, get dressed...and assessed the outfit.  Not a fan of what I pulled together on a whim but had no time to change.   At least I know the shoes are cute!

And I didn't realize until later that the cute necklace I just got from Classy N Sassy didn't match the outfit AT all!!!  And it kept getting caught. least it was cute....

My friend Summer at Made By Munchies Mama always tells me that I have to own it....believe that you are wearing the cutest thing ever....I'm really good at make believe but as you can was a faux pas for sure!

Oh well...there's always next Sunday!

From....A Mom of Boys!!


  1. Hi, I saw your link on Sunday Social and am now following.

  2. Hey, this kind of stuff happens to all of us! I found you through the blog hop, so hello!


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