I am so very grateful for friends. Great friends. Dear friends from long ago. Friends that care about me and love me for who I am, who I was, and who I will be. Friends that love me enough to help me take care of me. I am sure all you mom's know that it can be so challenging to take care of your own health when you have kids. Not only do I have four kids with normal health needs, I have one that needs a lot of care. I am so grateful I am a stay at home mom...and I am so blessed to be able to care for my monkeys. But I am not so good at remembering me. I was tagged in this picture yesterday:
Okay, so October has passed...Did you get your
mammogram? If not, I will schedule your appointment for
you. Watch me!
So I saw this when I went to sleep......and I saw it again when I checked into facebook the next day. So when I had a minute....I called for my first ever Mammogram. December 1st. If only to get my name of that list....
Now I am slightly terrified.....but it know I need to do this...turning forty and having my grandma be diagnosed with breast cancer all in the same month should be a huge motivator. But I needed a nudge from a friend. Thanks Summer!
Have you had your mammogram????? Join the flat boob crew....
From....A Mom of Boys!!!
PS....Did you wonder why some have two check marks? They got their colonoscopies done. One thing at a time for me.....
Yeah, Tracy! Yes, we have known each other since 1986ish?. A long time, girl!
ReplyDeleteYou are an extremely busy mom! Sometimes we all need a little reminder to take care of ourselves, especially when it comes to a topic like breast cancer. We can all say that we have been touched by breast cancer in some way. My two surgeries in the last 3 years have been no laughing matter. We must win the war against breast cancer. Thank you for continuing being a great example for moms, and your boys.
I love your comic strip!! I did a spit-take, and I may have to steal it from you, my friend!