Thursday, July 25, 2013

The questions

Dear Life,

The past year has been quite tumultuous.  
I mean, we have five could it not be.
And then...the wacky people that we are...decided it would be a great idea to bring one more child into our crazy life.
We've been asked these two questions a lot:


Because once we started asking about adoption, questioning the process, once we saw those brown eyes, we knew we had to.
She had no one else.
Not one other family had ever requested her file.
We were all she had.
And she had our heart from that first scroll down the page...the first moment we saw her.
Our hearts were hers.
Because we know how to love a child.
Because we know how to care for a child with Spina Bifida.
Because we are asked to care for the orphaned.
Because we can.
And maybe the better question is  WHY NOT?

Bringing her would be a challenge.
That we knew.
We told our facilitator that we did not have the money needed to fund an adoption.
She told us we could fundraise and then ask for grants.
We thought about it.
And we knew we could do it...and we would do it for Sofi.
So we thought, we prayed, and we thought some more.
We thought of many ways we could raise money.
People thought of ways for us.
We prayed, cried, and asked.
We have been able to come up with everything as needed.
We have tried things, some worked some didn't and some were wildly successful.
Ultimately, we have felt love, support and friendship in the journey.
How you ask?
With God's grace, His hand in all we do, His comfort when it's hard, His strength to get back up when we are down, and His love reminding us why.

Grateful for this journey...grateful for the hundreds of people that are holding our hands and helping us forward....grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who is watching over us and smiling down.

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