Monday, April 30, 2012

A winner for a cause....

Dear Life, 

 I am so grateful that in just one month we have collected 


for the Orange County Walk N Roll for Spina Bifida!  I am so grateful to ALL of you who donated a little or even a lot!!!!  Lucky girl Nichole Hubbard won......


Dear Life,

I have met two girls whose beauty rival any precious jewel.   They both sparkle and shine like prized precious jewels.  

Elizabeth Taylor jewels....
Although both girls are beautiful on the outside, their hearts are so full that their faces shine with inner light and beauty.  
These two seventeen year olds don't rely on womanly wiles, don't flaunt their faces with too much makeup or their bodies with not enough clothes.  

These two girls have tapped into the most important thing in life...

One of them has recognized that my son is feeling down....and that he's unsure of who his friends are and what his beliefs are. She has decided to make him a scrapbook with letters from his friends....with pictures...with CD's for different help him realize when he's in Hawaii that he is never alone.  I am totally amazed by this girls ability to realize that something like this can totally make a difference for my boy.  (If you're a teen reading this it's a don't tell him).  She's been worried about him and felt like this was a way she could help him.   I can't believe she tapped into exactly what he needs to hear right now....LOVE her!!

Another has taken a family tragedy and strengthened her own personal relationship with God and is helping strengthen others in her own sweet way.  To see a young girl deal with a tragedy that could flatten an adult....  with grace and a never ending smile, and realizing that having an eternal perspective on life changes everything blows my mind. Then her willingness to share that testimony with others....her joy for the gospel radiates from her sweet smile.... LOVE her!!


These two find their love for their Savior, their love for their friends, their love for their families, and allows it to change them into better people.   

I love these two girls...and I love their families.  And to be fair....these aren't the only two.

I am learning more from these two...

one day....
maybe one day...

 I'll be able to shine like these two young girls.

This is what these girls learn about...and I think they both GET it!

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us,
and we love him. We will "stand as witnesses of God at all
times and in all things, and in all places..." as we strive
to live the Young Women Values, which are:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice and Accountability
Good Works
Integrity and
We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values,
we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep
sacred covenants, receive ordinances of the temple, and
enjoy the blessings of exaltation.

Don't forget about the giveaway...before it's GONE....


Thursday, April 26, 2012

There's a reason for everything, right?

Dear Life,

I am a firm believer in the "there's a reason for everything" mentality.  But let me tell you, I am not entirely sure how it's even possible there is a reason that my five year old breaks his femur after being in a cast from his hips to his toes for two months
 and not moving even after it was removed for three more weeks. 


I felt so horrible for him.
His leg was broken for about three days before I figured it out. (he has no sensation below his waist)
I took him to the ER..... read HERE about that visit
We stayed in the hospital til Monday....
And came home with this:
(Notice the surgical hat?  He HAD to have one...he called it his party hat....then he rolled his eyes and would dance around....and then he made ME wear the party hat as we left the hospital...only Kumaka would call a SURGICAL hat a party equals party in his book LOL)

 The one thing I have noticed through it all is when I am just sick that this sweet boy has to deal with one more setback, he is still smiling.  He has not complained once about having this cast.  He hasn't even mentioned it actually.  I breaks my heart, but he acts like it's part of the drill.  He doesn't know the difference.  This is the face of an angel I say....I stress....he smiles.  I need to remember that if he doesn't complain then I don't need to stress.  I am learning every day from my five year old boy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Social Media has changed my life

Dear Life,

Social Media has change my life.  Mostly for the better.  Not only do I get to write to my heart's content and pretend like it really matters to someone (wink), but when I need an encouraging word, someone is always there; someone always comments, likes a comment I write, texts me, or calls me.  I am not alone.  People care about other people, a lot of people that are my long term friends and family, but some people I have never met face to face.  Some people regularly check on my family.....pray for my family...think about my media has made the world smaller.
 I love my friends. I appreciate my friends.  I appreciate the goodness in the social media world. 

My giveaway is going away in a week!!!!  Check it out!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Emergency Room Drama

Dear Life,

Have you ever entered an emergency room with a loved one, scouring the room to find the perfect place to sit?  You all know what I'm talking about.  You're praying for an empty room...but it's probably not.  You look out at the sea of faces, trying to determine which ones are too sick to sit next to, which ones are too crazy to sit next too, which ones might possibly be too dangerous to sit next to.  Come on, I know you all have done this.  Please tell me I'm not the only one.  Last night, at 9 pm, Kumaka and I went to the ER with a possible broken leg.  As I scanned the room there weren't too many open seats for one and a wheelchair.  I finally decided to sit behind a very bohemian looking 20 something and his probable mother.  He didn't look sick or like he was going to stab me if I glanced at him.  Kumaka and I were playing on the phone, the bohemian dude got called back.  Minutes later he returned, standing right next to Kumaka's wheelchair, talking loudly with the security guard.  Talking about getting arrested if he did not get admitted and that sort of thing.  Talking about only wanting to see a certain doctor.  I very subtly moved Kumaka to the other side away from agitated boho guy.  Everyone was staring at the guy, he wasn't really making sense.  All of a sudden, Anaheim PD show up.  I felt impressed to take my child from the room.  I had a distinct picture in my head of this boho guy resisting arrest and falling on top of my sweet little boy and me getting arrested for kicking his butt.  So I not so subtly got up and wheeled Kumaka out of the waiting room to another area of the hospital.  I went to the restroom, came out, looked through a window into the ER and lo and behold, boho has his hands behind his back, and the officers are having to try to force him down because he is resisting arrest.  The guy was screetching for his mother and it was very unsettling.  I'm glad I left....and I learned you really should just sit next to the guy with all the tattoos and piercings.  It'll give you something to talk about....and he most likely won't be holding in a lifetime of pain.

Kumaka has a broken femur...and will be going back in the spica cast.  Bummer.  


Friday, April 20, 2012


Dear Life,

I've learned some things about disabilities.
Like when you can't walk on your own...
you may need braces....
or a walker....
or you may need a wheelchair to get around.

Or when you can't see very well....
You need glasses.
When you can't hear...
You get a hearing aid.

But something is really making my mind spin right now...
When you have challenges learning....
When you can't concentrate...
When organization is not your forte...
What tools can you use to be successful in the classroom?

How do you teach a child to work independently....
How do you teach your child to keep his work for a order....complete....and turn it in...
     when he forgets to take out the trash?
How do you teach your child that although he has a learning disability he still has ABILITY....

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY


Dear Life,

Instagram we go

Is this not THE COOLEST SWEATSHIRT EVER?  Dracula, watch out....Volcom Kumaka is out on the loose!  We were at the doctor today and Kumaka got a GREEN restrictions.  He is cleared to go back to school, crawl, stand, walk, everything.  We are thrilled and so is he!  Doesn't he look thrilled?

First Piano lesson isn't that adorable? 
 What song you ask? 
 Mary had a little lamb.

 On this day I had A MOUNTAIN of laundry to fold.
I started to fold it and I looked 
over watching Kumaka on the couch
 (pre clearance) and I knew it was 
sunny outside. 
 Hmmm......Bubbles or Laundry.  Hard one!

 Kawika on the sidelines...watching Kalani working on his free throws.  

Kekoa went to his cousins for spring they are getting ready for a surf session. 

I took the boys left at home to the beach one is our view!

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY

life rearranged

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things that make me smile!

Dear Life,

Top ten list of things to make me smile:

Realizing that when good things are happening God is helping me.... 

Spending time alone with Mr. Hot Stuff

Relaxing at the beach with some awesome boys.....

Going for a short drive to get a Diet Coke and my car....alone....

Curling up in front of a fire on my couch reading historical novels....(at the moment preferably having to do with Russia)...

 Pretty Makeup....

A nice card in the mail...

A little bling....

 VIA The Posh Daisy

Someone getting me.....I mean really getting ME...

A hug from a cute boy....or two...or three....or four....or five.... 

Ok one more......fairytales....I still love a good fairytale!

VIA Cap Creations

Linking up here:

BWS tips button

Don't forget the GIVEAWAY

Letter to Keoni

Normally I would start my post Dear Life...but today this post is to my son...and you all get to read it.  (Tell me if I need to reword it okay?)

Dear Keoni,

I look at this picture and it makes me think about the last almost 18 years and I really wonder what you remember.  When it was just you and I do you remember how much fun we had?  We had play dates galore, sometimes with friends and sometimes just us. 
 For three years it was just the three of us.  And we had a blast!  There were things I remember about you as a baby.
You were musically inclined even then.  You beat your spoon on the table to the beat of your favorite song perfectly (whenever Grandma wasn't looking).  That has only grown...and now as I see you all grown up I wish you could see what I see.  I wish you believed me when I tell you that you have a talent that not everyone has.  I pray you discover that gift while you are out discovering the world.
You are a hot head.  You used to get so mad when you were just a young would get frustrated and bang your head on the floor.  Thankfully that stage has ended, and remind me to have you patch up the holes in the walls before you leave.  Thankfully that stage is over too.  
You are a passionate young man, but you try to hide it under a mask of cool indifference.  You don't fool me.
I hope you know that all the times I have gotten angry, upset, sad, mad, frustrated, etc etc etc is because I love you.  I am not perfect. 
I have made mistakes. 
A lot of them.
I hope you forgive me one day.
I hope you know how much joy your life has brought into mine. 
I hope you know how much I'm going to miss you.
I hope you know how proud I am of you.
I will miss your hugs.
I will miss your dry humor.
I will miss the bargains you make with me.
I will miss looking deep into your beautiful brown eyes and seeing that little boy I brought into this world.
I will miss your adorable curly hair...but not miss having to deal with making sure you have it cut and brush it once in awhile.  I'm so interested to see what you will look like in Hawaii!
I don't know if I've prepared you enough for this journey...but I want you to know that I am a phone call away.  ANYTIME of the day.  
I believe in you.
I know you can do this.
Find happiness.
Find joy.
Remember us....and know I love you.
You are not alone...


PS Please text me or call me occasionally (would be GREAT if you didn't need money when that happened) 

and work hard and HAVE FUN!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bucket List

Dear Life,

I have a dear friend who has seen a lot of the world, lived in a lot of places, and done a lot of things.  Years ago I didn't have the desire to travel, I was content to let her have the adventures.  I didn't think I would mind...I had my children and a whole different world going on.  I have discovered that my desire to see the world has changed.  Blame it on the books I love to read....historical fiction has broadened my horizon...and really given me a desire to see more of the world. 

I haven't even seen the Grand Canyon for heaven's sake.

I have been to New York, and I've seen a small slice of Florida.  I've been to Utah, and I've been to Vegas.  I've been to Ohio and I even lived in Alabama for a bit.  Oh and I do get to go to Hawaii (finally). That's it.  I want to see the south, I want to see Chicago, I want to see DC, I want to see Virginia, I want to see historical EVERYTHING.  But what calls me more than that is the rest of the world:  














 To name a few.  I really want to make this bucket list a reality.  I love history so much....and to see where things see the places where events changed the whole world...would change me, I just know it.  

What's on your list?