Thursday, November 1, 2012

Living Beyond the Diagnosis

Dear Life,

I have introduced you to just a very small amount of families that are living with Spina Bifida.  In sharing these stories, I hope you have seen what these families have gone through (in a small way)....from devastation when finding out the news to living beyond the diagnosis.  That is a HUGE phrase.  LIVING BEYOND THE DIAGNOSIS.  LIVING.  That's what it's all about.  And that can be said for any person dealing with a medical diagnosis.  It's just that.  A diagnosis.  Yes, in this case these people have Spina Bifida.  But Spina Bifida does not have them.  It does not define them.  How they live their lives defines them.  Who they are as people (even little kiddos) defines them.  Their spirit defines them.  Sometimes, with surgeries or illnesses, they regress, and sometimes it would be easier to stay home and not make the effort of going out, and living their life.  But that is why we are live life.  And all these families and thousands others are living their lives and living it well.  It can be hard, and we cry sometimes.  We laugh more, we live more.  You can see that in their smiles.  Thank you for taking the time to read about these families.   I would like to thank all of the people who shared their hearts with me, and allowed me to share their stories with you.  You may not know it, but it is really hard to relive some of the experiences we have shared.  I am really grateful to all of my wonderful friends for opening up a window into their lives.  I also want to thank all of my readers for always being so supportive of my family, Kumaka, and little Sofi.  This is has been an amazing month for me.  A reaffirming month....a month of strength, courage, endurance and love.

If you missed any stories, look below and you will find a link to that post. 

Nathaniel's Story  

Brendan's Story 



Halle's Story

Taylor's Story

Jet's Story

Keely's Story

Neveah's Story

Yordanka's Story

Micah's Story

Tanner's story


  1. Tracy you just know how to get the tears flowing ;) but thank you once again! Xx Melinda

  2. Beautiful T! You did a great job this month, but then again you always do! Love you girl!

  3. Lovely post, thanks for posting.


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